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My Healing Circle

"Feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Do not let it consume you." - Dhiman

I love hosting and when it's a girl's night in, I wanted to do something different. A Healing Circle. Life sure hits us all in so many different ways that I thought why not get together with my girls and we can do some inner cleansing by being open with the things we want to work on within ourselves and things we want to let go of. Life is too short to hold onto grudges, past mistakes, old ways, and things that no longer serve us. So here I created a little booklet, a worksheet of self-love questions that we all answered together then shared our answers, listening to one another speak about their thoughts and feelings with respect, compassion and curiosity. I titled it "Let it Hurt, then Let it Go" - R.H Sin. I wanted this circle to be about "it's okay to not be okay", it's okay to be vulnerable, not everyone has it together, nobody is perfect, and everyone gets hurt. A time to just be you, a time to get to know yourself a little bit better, a time to feel safe with your feelings and not feel judged. A time you can speak, be heard, be felt, take some advice from others and support each other to grow and strengthen.

"The happiness of your life, depends on the quality of your thoughts".

I did a lot of my own studying on how to identify my emotions and how to overcome them. This lead me to meditate through praying, spending hours and hours with God, writing in my journals and reading books. Nobody wants to stay hurt and in fear. But how do we get to the answer to the reason why we feel all of that? Or how to even love our pain to be free from it? I was scrolling on amazon one day and found some guided prayer journals, I ordered a couple and started filling it out every single day until it was finished. I would quickly take a couple of minutes through the magazine section at the grocery store and peek to see what kind of wellness and healing magazines or guided journals they had and bought a few to work on. Then I began creating my own gratitude journal where in the morning when I begin my day, I would write 3 things I'm grateful for and by the end of the night I'd write down 3 things I'm grateful for that I have done that day. When I realized how small these little things can make a difference in my life by understanding myself on a different level and my stresses and challenges, I wanted to share, open and lead a circle that can benefit those around me who may be needing the same energy as I did.

Inside the booklet

  1. Five things I let go

  2. Five things I accept

  3. Five things I forgive

  4. What I love about myself

  5. Acknowledgements

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life".

When it comes to writing, freestyle writing I should say, most often get stuck on what to even write about. Have you ever thought that even the most simple questions can be one of the toughest to answer? Especially the ones about ourselves? Most of my friends thought "What I love about myself" was quite a tricky one to answer. It's when we really have to take a moment and think about ourselves because life gets really busy and we often forget to think of our needs, take a moment to feel proud of what we've done and how far we've come. To me, I think "Five things I let go of" was a tough one to answer. I struggled with it a lot and was at war with my own thoughts with that one! If you could think right now at the top of your head what would your first answer be to all of the questions listed above?

After completing the worksheets and having the chance to go through the questions together (nobody was forced to answer, only by choice and what everyone felt comfortable with what to share) I made a burning tin, in my patio where we all had a piece of paper, wrote down everything that we want to let go of and then burned it.

And there's gotta be a way to release, somehow. There are so many ways to. If we were by the ocean, I'd love to get us all to do a message in a bottle. I've done that by myself during my camping trip last summer up in the mountains. There was a beautiful emerald sparkling lake right in front of my campsite. It was beyond breathtaking. The openness and wideness of the lake were surrounded by spectacular tall green mountains. The face of the lake mirrored the quiet blue sky as the sun was peeking its way out to say hello on that very morning. It was more than what my eyes met. At that moment, I didn't want to think of anything else but of how free I could be.

How do you like to cleanse and quiet your mind?

In my house, there's definitely gotta have some delicious appies and fresh fruity drinks! Turkey cranberry sandwiches, smoked salmon cucumber bites and fresh sweets from the local bakery shop! And of course, infused water and some mixed fresh fruit juice. Food totally gets people together that's why I love gatherings and with some of my favourite people! =)

And that comes to the end of my Healing Circle. I hope that you will find something meaningful here that you can do for yourself or maybe the next time you and your friends get together. I believe that to have a happy, successful, peaceful life in yourself, in your relationships and in your career begins by having a clear understanding of who and where you are, connected with your spirit, mind, and body to be aligned with the things that are outside of you. If you found this helpful and interesting, drop me a comment below or leave a comment on my Instagram, I'd love to hear your thoughts! So remember,

Stay in faith, stay connected and stay in tune! God Heals!


Love and Light



Mar 03, 2022

I loveeee this💜💜💜

See Her
See Her
Mar 03, 2022
Replying to

Thank you dear, I'm glad that you love this. <3


Mar 03, 2022

I love everything about this post! You are seriously so amazing putting all of this together 😍

See Her
See Her
Mar 03, 2022
Replying to

Hello beautiful! Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun putting and organizing a fresh evening for everyone <3


Ethaa Thao
Ethaa Thao
Oct 28, 2021

I'm so grateful I got to be part of this circle! It was a breath of fresh air. Everything in life teaches you and everything you go through, leads you to where your meant to be. It was nice getting to know everyone, the atmosphere was peaceful, the best energy and vibes. I can't wait until the next healing circle! You did an amazing job!

See Her
See Her
Oct 29, 2021
Replying to

Thank you so much! means a lot to me. love you <3 Will definitely host another one and keep you updated .



Oct 26, 2021

I love love everything you are about! You definitely are the definition of growth! Even though at times we doubt ourselves on the path we choose we always have to remember that we chose everything for a reason. It will all make sense! Can't wait for the next circle 🥰

See Her
See Her
Oct 29, 2021
Replying to

Thank you so much, means a lot to me! Love you girl <3


Lia Her
Lia Her
Oct 26, 2021

Wow what a great read Maisee! I am amazed at how well this was thought out and how you put this event into w!!! Excellent job! I'm looking forward to another healing circle.

See Her
See Her
Oct 29, 2021
Replying to

Thanks so much sis <3 <3

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